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Our Story

About us

Scott Meharey and Jennifer Johnson are the husband-and-wife team behind R & R Self-Care, they’ve brought their passion and drive to this adventure and can’t wait to share their high-quality, hand-crafted products with you.

All smiles because we love what we do!

Jennifer was raised in Sarnia and has always been engaged with the community, first as a reporter for CHOK and Blackburn Radio in the early years of her career, and again we she returned home to Lambton County in 2012 to work in Indigenous and Community Relations at Suncor, after some time in London working as a fundraiser for CNIB.

Scott was born and raised in London but has made a home in Sarnia with his wife and the incredible people he’s met here over the last decade.  After a 20-year career supporting people with developmental disabilities he found some surprising transferable skills that lead him to a new career in sales. Scott has been developing and crafting products for the family for several years. He can happily spend hours down the rabbit hole researching various ingredients and their benefits to create something great and is excited to bring that creative energy to the customers of R&R Self-Care.

They both love meeting new people, sharing stories and ideas and introducing people to the products we are so passionate about. You can be sure you will see them out and about at markets across Southwestern Ontario. Make sure you check the Market Schedule section on our web site to see where you can find them next.

How we started

Our connections in the community lead us to become more mindful of different ways we can support our city and we started focusing on supporting local, small businesses. In our experience, shopping local provides a more personalized experience that made a real difference both in our community, and in our household. Through this practice, Scott was presented with an opportunity to join the team at Great Lakes Refill Co. (GLRC) in Sarnia and that’s where our “support local” journey joined forces with our zero-waste journey.

It was at GLRC that we discovered Come Clean products. The whipped facial moisturizer, along with products from a couple other local makers, quickly became part of both of our daily personal care routines. In 2023, we noticed some of those local makers shifting their focus and stepping away from making the products we grew to love. We adapted to the change; however, when we learned the owners of Come Clean were stepping away from producing their products, we knew we couldn’t adapt to that loss. So, we reached out to Stacey and Tara and thanks to their trust and encouragement, R&R Self-Care was officially born.

Our Values

R & R Self-Care remains committed to creating clean and conscious skin and hair care products. Real skin is perfect skin, and by nurturing its tremendous resilience with quality ingredients and proven formulations, we can renew our outside, while feeling good on the inside.

We believe you are worth it! You deserve to put yourself first, to take care of yourself, invest in yourself. All too often, we place others’ needs before our own, but as the saying goes, “it’s difficult to pour from an empty cup”. By doing things to make yourself feel good and foster your wellbeing you make yourself better for everyone around you.

With this in mind, we want to make sure that every product we create makes you feel your best.

Supporting our Community

Putting good out into the world, whether through acts of kindness or monetary donations, has always been important to us. In order to remain true to ourselves and honour the legacy of Come Clean, we commit to donating 1% of our gross annual sales to local organizations that support the LGTBQ2AI+ and Indigenous communities. Whether this amount is small or great, we know that every bit matters and are humbled to be able to contribute any way we can.

Because you all will help play an important role in making this possible, we will share information about our contributions.

Thank you in advance for your support!

We are Hummingbirds

When we were starting this business, we thought about many things - How will be viewed in the community? How do we want to represent our brand? How do we want our products to make people feel?  In addition to recognizing the value of self-care and putting good out into the world, we also aspire to be hummingbirds.

Huh? Yes, you heard right, hummingbirds.

We chose the hummingbird as the visual representation of our business as they are considered to be symbols of resilience, renewal, creativity, and joy. We were also inspired by, “The Story of the Hummingbird”, as told by celebrated Kenyan environmental activist, women’s rights advocate, and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Professor Wangari Maathai. Please take a moment to listen to this beautiful story and we hope you will join us in becoming a hummingbird.

In the spirit of peace and friendship, we honour the Anishinaabek of the Three Fires Confederacy on whose territory we live and work. This means that we recognize that we all have a responsibility to treat the environment and each other with kindness and respect. For R&R Self-Care, we pledge to operate in a manner that considers the next seven generations.